Wednesday 15 June 2016


Thus saith the Lord God of Abraham Isaac and Jacob.

    This say I unto thee in as far as the EU is concerned as it was in Europe in the sixteen century a need for religious reformation of which Belgium, the Netherlands, Germany, Switzerland and Britain where mainly involved and were at the centre of that religious reformation which brought about the freedom of faith and religious tolerance that is now enjoyed all over Europe and the World. But now in the EU there is a need for a new reformation not a religious one but one of the whole EU's political, financial and Justice structure which if not implemented will see the end of the EU. For in as far as the member states or Nations are concern the whole EU political structure is a political straight jacket which at the moment some are seeking to escape from and others are accepting because for them there is no other option because if they left would face bankruptcy and poverty.
    The reformed structure of the EU should be one of respect and cooperation with all of the member states and or Nations of their laws culture political and Justice system and borders so that each and every member can strengthen its border controls to protect itself when necessary whilst allowing a certain amount of free movement.. Also implement or changing laws without having to go to a central body to seek permission to do so and all should agree to work together politically financially and secularly. That no one Nation should ever be allowed  to take control of the whole of the political, financial foreign or internal trading rules regulations and tariffs or the Justice system nor impose its will on member states or Nations turning the EU into a dictatorship. The structure of other organizations such as N.A.T.O. or the U.N. should be considered as examples to be used in the reformation of the EU. Also it should consult all of its members without bias or a short sight stubborn political attitude. Common ground must be found upon which to base a new or Reformed Europe.
    In as far as the monetary system in the EU it is a restrictive and crippling system which should be abandoned for one that is better suited for the worlds financial and trading markets, such as the dollar or the pound used not only by the UK, but also by Ireland and Scotland.
    There should be a strict policy towards immigration whilst implementing a sensible policy of free movement within the EU and the name should be altered to reflect the new nature of a reformed Europe.
    It is not now a question of choice but one of necessity which if the EU continues to ignore that which is right in front of it and deaf to all the warnings then the end towards which its heading it deserves.

This is the Word of the Lord to thee.

From the prophet of the Lord.

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