Sunday 26 June 2016


Thus saith the Lord God of Abraham Isaac and Jacob.

    This say I unto thee it seems at the moment Britain had become so dependent on being Governed from Brussels it has forgotten how to govern itself which is being reveal by the Government; and that means all parties; being so divided that there is no semblance of order, by that I mean that they are not only at loggerheads with each other but they are at loggerheads with all the members of their own parties and their own cabinets. This is not only a wakeup call for Britain alone but also the EU.
    If any of the pre EU prime ministers had been in power now this situation would not have been allowed to arise. If they were alive today they would have said they were ashamed of the way in which the British government is acting in the present circumstances, they would have said they would have accepted the peoples decision and got on with putting into action the wishes of the British People.
    What all of the parties of the British Government should do now first all the parties and I mean all, getting together forgetting their difference setting aside each parties blame game and sorting out the best course of action to take towards getting stability back to the British economy, financial services and trade and implementing the wishes of the British electorate. For if the situation continues for much longer, all the infighting and childish bickering, the British government will be in so much disarray that Britain will be without a sensible and rational government in fact it will have no government at all that is of any value to the British people for the majority of M.P.'s will no longer deserve the office to which they have been elected.
    At the moment the leaders of the EU are sitting on the side lines gloating on the present political situation of the British Government and saying we told you so. But it is if the British government can get its act together that it will be Britain who will have the last laugh as so to speak. For what is happening in Britain could easily be translate to the EU. Because of the problems now facing many EU Nations. But also what has to be considered if it had not been Britain that had done what it has and it was one of the other major partners of the EU. The consequences and the fallout would not have been the same. In such a union that the EU had one Nation opting out of the six remaining would have been catastrophic for the whole of the EU as it was and is with Britain being almost on the fringe of the EU the consequences are not as disastrous the problem now facing the EU though is if one of the major Nations seeks to follow Britain. As Britain has been snapped out of its complacency, so also should it be with the EU. It can no longer take any of the member Nations of the EU for granted that they will remain in the EU.

This is the Word of the Lord to thee.

From the prophet of the Lord.

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