Monday 7 March 2016


Thus saith the Lord God of Abraham Isaac and Jacob

    This say I unto thee in as far as the migrant crisis is concerned and thy inability to sort it out. How canst thou call thyselves modern educated civilised Nations when thou dost leave people to be trapped into such a situation that they have to live in such squalid and unsanitary conditions when thou dost have such prosperous living conditions as thou dost have? The U.N. is right about being wary of contravening human rights Laws but that organisations record on this and other issues has and is lacking in its effectiveness and comes far short of that for which it is supposed to stand for especially in later years.
    But the matter in as far as the crisis is concerned human rights have to be considered especial in as far as Greece is concern but who are those who most need their human rights to be addressed refugees from the war torn middle east or the economic migrants? First I say deal with the refugees and then if necessary deal with the economic migrants but also in as far as they are concerned one of thy saying covers this, charity begins at home, this can be looked at from the point of view of the family if the parents are ill how can the children be properly cared for, same with the western Nations if their political and economic structure is not a healthy one how can they take adequate care of the migrants who are begging them to take them in?

This is the word of the Lord to you.

From the prophet of the Lord.

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