Tuesday 1 March 2016


Thus saith the Lord God of Abraham Isaac and Jacob

    Even unto thee and all the inhabitants of this Earth I shall not nor have to as thy creator give thee any reason why I Judge some and seemingly leave off Judging others, punishing some and seemingly passing others by. I am not subject to thy will nor ever shall be, indeed thou art subjected unto Mine. Thus it is that nothing not one iota of the actions or thoughts of mankind escape My sight and in the end shall be Judged and duly punished or acquitted. Thus say I unto thee judge not least ye shall be Judged. But it is that all the Nations of the Earth shall be Judged especially in the instances of torture and persecution, all the Nations upon the face of the Earth are and have been guilty of such acts in the past and of late even thine own. The punishment due now shall come upon those who break the commandment thou shalt not kill and those who do are in danger of Judgment both now and at the end of their lives, but especially now upon those Nations which commit such acts of persecution and torture. Who are now thus warned of the wrath now due to come upon them which will result in their destruction without exclusion unless they turn from their wicked ways and disobedience to My Holy Commandments.
     Thus it is that I hold back My wrath and anger giving them a chance to turn and if they will not then when their cup of wrath shall be filled up unto overflowing, then it is that with whirl wind and fire My wrath and anger shall strike such as are due for punishment and the punishment shall be such upon those who turn not that they shall be totally and utterly destroyed.
    Thus it is in as far as the migrant and refugee crisis is concerned at the present thou shouldest look unto those who are behind it and the people that are fleeing and who of these refugees are paying the people traffickers are they the poor and ordinary people who have lost everything who are the ones who are paying the traffickers to smuggle them to Europe or is it the affluent and the wealthy are those who are able to pay the traffickers whilst the poor and ordinary migrants and refugees  cannot afford to pay but have to rely on charity and the kindness of those Nations who give them refuge. There is an answer which thou dost know and in the end would sort out the situation that now exist for them and for the Nations thus affected. But wilt thou take such an action?

This is the Word of the Lord to you.

From the prophet of the Lord.

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