Saturday 23 July 2016


Thus saith the Lord God of Abraham Isaac and Jacob

    Thus say I unto thee that the Terrorist aim now is not only to cause fear and terror by those methods they normal use, but also to destabilize a country by entering into a country posing as genuine refugees and migrants settling into a country until such time as they are accepted as being genuine. Then committing acts of terror making it look as though many of the refugees and migrants are the source of the terrorist threat in addition to the people blaming them of being the cause of internal problems facing their country thus causing the people to turn not only against the migrants and refugees but against their government for allowing so many to enter into the country putting pressure on the economy affecting jobs and livelihoods. This then brings about protests from the population and an excuse for the extremist groups to attack refugees and migrants not necessarily to murder them just to force them out of their country. But the refugees especially having nowhere to go will in the end start protesting they are being victimised and may react in a way that causes conflict with the people of that country.

    Radicalization has been one of the terrorist’s main weapons in instilling fear in western Nations. But they are now seeing that it is not having the desired effect and so are turning to other methods of attacking the west by destabilising a country internally causing it to be divided against itself and the weapon that the terrorist groups will use is if they can is to cause internal conflict. No matter how few or how many there are turning against the migrants and refugees will never solve the terrorist threat only aid it. If adequate border control and security in a Nation is in place and the movement of people is controlled to such an extent that terrorist are prevented from moving freely around Europe then the acts of terrorism can and will be reduced freedom of movement is the terrorist greatest advantage over the security forces in any country in Europe and the West.

    One thing should be noted though that terrorism and the sadistic and horrenous fame that is generate by it can cause acts of terror by a person not affiliated to any terrorist group. But saying that those kinds of acts of terror are in no way connected to previous acts of terror by terrorist groups is a mistake. The problem is any person who has suicidal tenancies may see this as a means of leaving this world being remembered by all even as a crazed murdered who would otherwise have been just another suicide statistic.

This is the Word of the Lord to thee.

From the prophet of the Lord.

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