Friday 8 July 2016



Thus saith the Lord God of Abraham Isaac and Jacob

    This do I put before thee that there is a saying amongst mankind because there are more unbelievers and sinners and have been throughout all the ages than there are righteous that in hell thy term for the bottomless pit and sheol that there must be more in hell than there is in the heaven of heavens. As afore said this is untrue as My children shall be more than ten times ten thousand and thousands of thousands than all the grains of sand on the sea shore and in the sea and hath it has been revealed the bearing of children after the new heaven and earth have been created shall continue and that the youngest child shall be older in thy years than the oldest of mankind and all of mankind shall live forever and shall occupy the whole of creation meaning the whole of the Universe as thou dost call it.

    How shall they move when the children grow into adults which they shall remain forever in thy years about twenty five translated into the years of the new heavens and earth hundreds of years old of which then they shall grow no older as there is no death sickness or disease of any kind. But it is I who shall move them as I moved a disciple in Acts of the Apostles in the bible instantly from one place to another and so shall it be with all of the what thou dost call planets they shall be moved instantly when they come of age to populate a new planet until its population is as it should be and then their children shall be move to another planet until all the planets of the Universe are populated which will take thousands or millions of millennium to complete. In the new heavens and the new Earth all shall be holy righteous obedient and perfect in every way.

    But as for the place thou dost call hell to thee it hath a bottom but not the true hell the bottomless pit, it is called that for the reason that it goes on forever there is no bottom so no matter how many are cast therein it shall never be full up or over crowded but the opposite all in it shall feel totally alone more even so when it dawns on them it is forever.

    In as far as calling the adversary the ruler of the bottomless pit or hell as thou dost call it is one of the greatest lies ever that mankind believes as the truth for he is not in charge of it or its ruler but is to be also cast into the bottomless pit forever and will be a prisoner as all others in it are.

This is the Word of the Lord to thee.

From the prophet of the Lord.

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