Thursday 14 July 2016


Thus saith the Lord God of Abraham Isaac and Jacob.

    These words say I unto thee though there is pressure on the New Governmental party by the EU to implement article fifty of the Lisbon treaty. Such should be taken into consideration that they are seeking to exert more pressure now than later on so that they can negotiate to their advantage catching this new government off balance. Strong and sure foundations as to the position Britain will and has to establish before any negotiation commence with the EU.

    Therefore full discussions aiming at getting an overall agreement and strategy from all the National Governments of the UK must be established so that all in thy language as ye put it are singing from the same hymn sheet, there must be no division no conflict no disagreements when entering in to negotiations, as the EU will use any weakness to divide and gain an advantage that will overall benefit the EU and not Britain fine voices and  cold divisive hearts will be theirs; no matter their exterior demeanour; with the aim of discrediting the UK in the eyes of all of its members so that the UK will be seen as having made the wrong choice in leaving the EU and so that any other member having ideas of leaving the EU will be discouraged from following the UK's example.

    But the aim of the UK is not to encourage or discourage any other member to stay or leave the EU. The UK's negotiations will only be for Britain to get the best deal it can and having an amicable and profitable relationship with the EU and other trading Nations.

    But there should be established in the minds of the EU that there will be no compromises as to the deal Britain wishes to obtain from the EU in as far as it will benefit all of Britain’s National governments firstly and the EU secondly.

This is the Word of the Lord to thee.

From the prophet of the Lord.

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