Wednesday 13 July 2016


Thus saith the Lord God of Abraham Isaac and Jacob.

    The stone which the builders rejected has become the head cornerstone. The rejection of the reformations set forth to the EU which brought about the referendum result in the UK is like unto the stone being rejected by the builders of the European Union which will now become in the end one of the major cornerstones of European and world democracy once again. The shackles of the EU have been cast off and the course for the UK has now been set for a United and prosperous Nation in the near future which will set an example to the rest of Europe and the world what a true democratic Nation and union should look and be like.

    The UK is when all things considered a true democratic Union in itself, yes there are problems still remaining and there are difficulties ahead but look at the Nation as a whole incidents involving guns are minimal, law and order in Britain is the envy of the world racism though of late has increased is nowhere at the level of some other Nations.

    Though there is poverty still in Britain which needs to be addressed it is a lot  lower than even some of the most powerful Nations in the World and Britain sends more aid than many other countries to poverty stricken Nations. Is first to aid Nations struck by plagues and disasters not only from the UK's government but also the many volunteers who are the first to respond to the cry for help from those Nations instantley.

    The devolution of power to its own internal Nations, so that they can run their Nations democratically with little or no interference from central government, If that is not the example of a truly democratic Union I don't know what is, but also these Nations also have a voice in the running of the whole of the United Kingdom. Is the EU run in the same way that Britain is as a Union of Nations? No! Should it be yes!

This is the Word of the Lord to thee.

From the prophet of the Lord.

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