Monday 3 July 2017


Thus saith the Lord God of Abraham Isaac and Jacob

    Thus say I saith the Holy One of Israel even the Lord God of the whole of creation as concerning the extreme austerity measure that have be imposed upon this country and all the Nations of this United Kingdom since thou didst become the governing party. Thus it is that the imposition of these extreme austerity measures will in the end inevitable lead to thy downfall and that in a matter of months unless thou doth change course and reverse the extremity of these austerity measure which have caused so much hardship in the public sector, emergency, security and welfare services which has lead to an increase in homelessness a reduction in the care of the elderly and very young and hardship for the unemployed and is one of the major causes of the Grenfell tower disaster and the high-rise block cladding fiasco. Austerity is all very well and can be beneficial if done in the correct way by a sensible reduction of Government borrowing and spending but not to the extreme as it has been imposed thus far. A sensible and wise government would not have gone to the extreme thou hast done but would have sought through various means a sensible and acceptable balance but an unwise and foolish and self-righteous government by its very attitude and careless actions would continue down the path it is on deaf to all warnings and signs of that which they are leading the country down to which if not reversed is a period of economical depression not seen since the nineteen thirties. Thus also I say unto thee beware there is only so far that the path to a period of economic depression can be travelled on before it becomes irreversible. But in as far as the EU court of Justice is concerned if retained as some wish the control of the UK by the EU would be also retained the vote on leaving the EU was for Britain’s complete autonomy in all the aspects of the government of the UK it is a case of either leaving the EU lock stock and barrel or not at all there is no in between no middle ground either in or out Brexit or No Brexit. Henry the eighth had the right idea in as far as Europe was concerned and got out while the going was good.

This is the Word of the Lord God to thee

from the prophet of the Lord

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