Monday, 31 October 2016


Thus saith the Lord God of Abraham Isaac and Jacob

    Thus say I unto thee that by making this trade agreement with Canada not only will it cause a political upheaval within the EU but also outside of the EU with those Nations that wish to make a trade deal with the EU, which have previously applied and have been rejected on the grounds that they could not agree with the terms and conditions as set down by the EU which was not one that was beneficial to both parties, the way the EU has made this deal with Canada is treating Canada as a special case maybe because of its French connection. But also the EU will have those Nations which are outside of the EU who have made trade agreements with the EU in the past who now have access to the single market not being full members which contribute to the EU's budget will now be looking at the deal made with Canada and will be saying that they will want the same deal with the EU as Canada does. This will lead to them seeking to renegotiate their trading agreements with the EU. If the EU says that the deal made with Canada is no different than theirs or there is little difference to theirs or theirs  is better than Canada’s they will demand if that is so to view the deal that has been made with Canada to compare it with their own EU trade agreements if they see that the agreement is better than their own they will demand the re-negotiation of their trade agreement with the EU.. No matter now it looks how do you say it that the EU government has shot its self in the foot.

This is the Word of the Lord to thee.

From the prophet of the Lord.

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