Wednesday 5 October 2016


Thus saith the Lord God of Abraham Isaac and Jacob

    To thee at this time if the supporters of the Syrian regime expect to benefit in any way for helping to win back all of Syria for Al-Assad and his government they are all sadly mistaken. For he has no intentions on delivering what he has agreed on with those he has got to support him which shall be proven once he gains full control over Syria and its oil fields and defeats the rebels. Whatsoever he has agreed with those who have supported him he will in no way deliver what he and they have agreed on. The borders of Syria will be closed after he has persuaded the Russians and others to leave. If they don't leave he will use his army to force them to leave.

    All who now support him should look at his passed record on delivering what he promises and how many times he has gone back on his word. But and if they are to blind to see through him for what he is, then that is their problem. But as afore said no matter what, My Judgment and the out pouring of wrath and anger still stands he and his are Judged found guilty and condemned with all of those who support that regime.

This is the Word of the Lord to thee.

From the prophet of the Lord

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