Sunday 16 October 2016


Thus saith the Lord God of Abraham Isaac and Jacob

    Unto thee at this time, that the situation in as far as thy leaving the EU is concerned when article fifty is applied, that as thou hast put it in as far as calling it a Brexit, there will be only one type of Brexit, no matter what the aims of the UK in as far as the negotiations are concerned, it will be a hard Brexit. Brussels will see to that with one or two objectives in mind one punishing the UK for even considering leaving the EU and or hoping that the UK will not in the end leave the EU. But no matter what the other members and the UK want in as far as this is concerned, even hoping there is a way around leaving and staying in the single market with a better deal than the other none members have is a none starter. For if the EU gives the UK a better deal than the other none members they will demand the same deal as the UK. In as far as some seeking to somehow negotiate a deal whereby they form closer trade ties with EU members Nations that will not happen for Brussels will make sure all membership rules and regulations apply to all the member states. In other words in as far as negotiations are concerned upon Britain leaving the EU being up to all the members Brussels will make sure all members fall into line with its ruling on Brexit.

This is the Word of the Lord to thee.

From the prophet of the Lord.

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