Thursday 27 October 2016


Thus saith the Lord God of Abraham Isaac and Jacob

    Thus say I unto thee as a fore said and also as is set down in My Word I am the true shepherd of My sheep and any that stray from the flock so do I go to any lengths in searching for and finding them and returning them to My flock the flock is My Kingdom on Earth and the sheep thereof are all of those who belong to Me that have been redeemed through the blood of the true Passover Lamb the Messiah. Thus it is that I will go at any lengths not only to return My people to My Kingdom on Earth but no matter where ever they go they shall have My infinite protection and woe betide any who falsely accuse them of any crime or who kidnap and imprison and threaten them with execution. This I say that Nation shall suffer every jot and title or minute particle of the punishment demanded by My Law and commandments and such shall they suffer plague and famine and drought and storms as they have never seen before or shall ever do so again.

This is the Word of the Lord to thee

From the prophet of the Lord.

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