Monday 17 October 2016


Thus saith the Lord God of Abraham Isaac and Jacob

How is it that the Iraqi forces along with the Peshmerga and the coalition and others start to free Mosul. When the West  along with Turkey the Peshmerga the Syrian coalition backed forces are not able to force a settlement with the Russian and Syrian forces over Aleppo. Surely by presenting a threat to the Russian and Syrian forces by pushing towards Aleppo giving the Syrians and Russians the impression that if the situation is not resolved over Aleppo then they will advance towards that city with aim of ending the siege on humanitarian grounds. Also with the agreement of the Iraqis assemble forces upon the Syrian Iraqi border emphasizing that there is no intent to invade only to support the efforts of the forces in the North to the end the Isis occupation. Though they will not believe that is thy intention look what happened with the Ukraine when a similar operation was brought about by the West in as far as the Russians were concerned.
    Why does it look as though the West is intimidated by the actions of Russia making the West unable to take any concrete action.
    But also the Russians should remember who helped Russia in second World war when the Nazis held siege on Moscow even the British who supplied Russia with food weapons and material so that after the siege was ended could defeat the Nazis. Russia should remember what it felt like to be under siege and after when Britain supplied all that Russia needed with British sailors willing to put their lives at risk to save Russian lives.

This is the Word of the Lord to thee.

From the prophet of the Lord.

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