Saturday 15 October 2016


Thus saith the Lord God of Abraham Isaac and Jacob

    Thus say I unto thee that rubbish left orbiting the Earth by the Nations of the Earth  which pollutes that which is Mine and not thine even the whole of the Universe it is not; how dost thou say it a junk yard; remove it or I will remove thy orbiting satellites and not just one but everyone including that which thou dost call the international space station. Thou dost ask how? I say unto thee by striking them with My space debris even with  meteor showers not the smallest of them which cause little or no harm but of a size that will obliterate them or even with small asteroids. Of course the other way is that I could destroy all that orbits the Earth by causing a massive solar flare from the Sun which would burn everything up in obit, but that would also cause massive devastation on the surface, that though is reserved for the end when I create  the new heavens and new earth. Rather I would that thou dost clear up thy mess as so to speak. I am the Father of the whole of mankind and all of mankind are My children even those who are rebellious disobedient and wicked I created thee and as a Father I must punish disobedient rebellious and wicked children even though I Love the whole of My creation especially mankind which is the chief of My creation and it is My saying spare the rod and spoil the child. Therefore what happens with earthly parents when children cause a mess especially to that which thou doth call their own room they tell them to clean it up or else. Thus I would not be a caring Father if I did not do thus with My Children.

This is the Word of the Lord to thee.

From the prophet of the Lord.

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