Sunday 9 October 2016


Thus saith the Lord God of Abraham Isaac and Jacob.

    Thus say I unto thee that thou wilt have to be wary over this Russian Bear seeking now that it has a foot hold in the middle east to seek also to extend its influence into Iraq, first by offering help to get rid of Isis there and then supplying the Iraqi government with military weaponry, as it did in the Ukraine and then actual military presence on the ground. Thus it will then do as it did with Syria for as its presence in Iraq increase so will there be increased rebel opposition to it presence which will escalate to the same position Syria was in Russia will then offer a military presence on the ground to aid getting rid of the rebel groups after that the same treaty with the Iraqi government will be arranged as is with the Syrian regime. The regime now in Syria is a puppet regime and not in charge of Syria Russia is and the regime has to do what Russia tells it to do. In a sense it is invasion or conquest by invitation.
    The warning is whoever controls the World’s oil fields has control of the World’s economy of which the outcome is obvious. Russia’s ambition in the Middle East is the control of its oil fields. If there were no oil field Russia would never have come to the aid of Syria’s regime this is all what it’s about oil.

This is the Word of the Lord to thee.

From the prophet of the Lord.

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