Monday 24 October 2016


Thus saith the Lord God of Abraham Isaac and Jacob

    To thee I put before thee the consequences of breaking My Holy Law and commandments that those who persistently break them to the end of their lives being unrepentant shall in no way enter My Kingdom after passing from earthly life of which there is no exception. But many will say what about those who have been redeemed through the blood of the Lamb even the true Lamb of God the Messiah. Let Me put this before thee that all those who are thus redeemed are given the power of faith to obey all of My Holy Law and commandments especially in as far as morality is concerned and are required to aim at perfection in as far as obedience to My Holy Will and purpose of which in this life because of the flesh fighting against the spirit and the spirit fighting against the flesh they will never achieve perfection only when the earthy form is cast off then all who belong unto Me can become perfect, holy and pure in My sight even through the blood of the true Passover Lamb. Therefore those who rebel against Me and My Holy Laws and commandments and do not obey but persistently break them are not redeemed. Those who claim to be holy and righteous yet inwardly are likened unto ravenous wolves seeking whom they may devour and lead astray from the true faith, who are as whitewashed graves and likened unto the scribes and Pharisee’s of old holy on the outside but full of dead men's bones heading because of their hypocrisy to the bottomless pit where there is weeping and wailing and gnashing of teeth in the blackness and darkness of the bottomless pit forever  and the burning regret of not taking heed of all the warnings put before them of My wrath to come in Judgment. Thus all of those who are not redeemed shall never walk through the gates of Heaven. Thus say I this is set down; as thou dost put it; in stone. Those also in this life who break My moral Law and Commandments who do abandon all sense of morality and the reason for the creation of men and women in that they are partakers with Me in the creation and continuance of mankind. Because of such abandonment of morality in as far as procreation is concerned I do give over to their own lust to practice all manner of wickedness till their cup of wrath be filled to overflowing and is poured out upon them, who are twice dead plucked up by the roots and destined never to pass through the gates of heaven but to be cast forever into the blackness and darkness of the bottomless pit as is set down in My Word.

This the Word of the Lord to thee.

From the prophet of the Lord.

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