Saturday 8 October 2016


  Thus saith the Lord God of Abraham Isaac and Jacob

   Unto thee that the Berlin wall may have come down but the Iron curtain did not and still remains as doth the U.S.S.R. ruled by the Kremlin still exist as does its entire regime, it changed its outward appearance to delude the West into thinking that it had changed and was becoming a democratic State yet beneath its outward appearance remained and still does the old Communist State it became like unto a wolf in sheep’s clothing and the wolf or bear started to show through the sheep’s clothing when in annexed the Crimea and tried to reclaim the Ukraine and now seeking to do to Syria what it did with Afghanistan. But even more so now is the old Communist state showing through the sheep’s clothing when it states that it is proposing to re-open its bases in Cuba and Vietnam which it abandoned when it pretended to becoming a democratic Russian  Federation. But what about the Nations that where a part of it before it took on the appearance of democracy? Also its relationship with china and the backing it has especially in the UN?
    Those Nations were becoming a burden to it and because of the problems they were causing and had become a drain on the U.S.S.R.'S resources that the Kremlin saw their chance of pushing those problem Nations especial after Chernobyl onto the West's shoulders. If you look at all that happened when Mikhail Gorbachev resigned and the shows that were put on to convince the West that it was changing into a democratic State for that’s all they were shows orchestrated by the Kremlin, especially that as concerning Boris Yeltsin.
    Look at all the oligarchs that have been prosecuted for corruption and their assets seized and those who have escaped to the West are in fear of their lives also if you go into the towns and villages in certain parts of the Russia Federation and ask them how the change to democracy has affected them they will say what change they don't know what you’re talking about and say that the Kremlin and the communist party rules the Russia federation nothing to them has changed. What started to bring it to shed its outward appearance and bring it out into the open was the sanctions that have been placed upon it by the Western Nations especially America.

This is the Word of the Lord to thee

From the prophet of the Lord.

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