Saturday 23 April 2016


Thus saith the Lord God of Abraham Isaac and Jacob.

        Unto thee as concerning the American's interests in as far as Britain’s remaining in the E.U. is concerned is for selfish reasons as so far its attempt to gain trading access to the E.U. trading block on its own terms and conditions has failed for the E.U. will not budge on its rules and regulation in as far as trading with Nations outside of the E.U. and America will not accept what the trading conditions are as set down by the E.U. It says that Britain will have to go to the back of the queue if it leaves the E.U. why mainly because it wants Britain in the E.U.  to help it to gain better terms and condition, using its influence as major trading E.U. country. But and if that doesn't succeed America will abandon its special relationship with Britain and its promises of trading via Britain into the E.U. and will seek other means of gaining access to the European trading block. The question which must be asked if Britain was in the same position as say Ireland or Portugal or Greece would Americas President have done what he has for their leaders as he has for Britain’s? No for where was the American president when Greece had referendum on staying or leaving? Nowhere to be seen, thus also what has to be considered how long has America sought to gain access to the European trading block without success? Years, so even if Britain did leave and America failed in its negotiations with the E.U. would it not turn to Britain if this country had a trading agreement with the E.U. to use Britain as a means of trading with the E.U. via Britain? You can guarantee it.
       But in as far as his statement as concerning the Second World War as afore said America did not enter in to the war until Nazi Germany became a threat to America but what were the conditions in Europe when America did enter the European war the Battle of Britain was over the Russian's where with the help from the British supplying them with arms, materials and supplies, at the expense of British ships and sailors, pushing back the Nazis and the desert war was turning in Britain’s favour with Montgomery as its commander in chief. Also the commonwealth countries where helping with the war against the Japanese. Britain was making plans to invade Europe and then the Americans came over here as they put it to win the War for Britain and were termed the glory boys. But then if Britain had not needed the manpower and the materials needed for the invasion of Normandy it would have been a different story in as far as America was concerned. Who really won the war was the Russians the free French the free polish army and air force the resistance fighters of France Poland Russia and the volunteers from Canada and many others besides the Americans and of course the British.

This is the Word of the Lord to thee.

From the prophet of the Lord.

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