Wednesday 6 April 2016


Thus saith the Lord God of Abraham Isaac and Jacob

    Thus say I unto thee as concerning the steel industry whilst thine efforts are commendable, still there is the fact that offers from thy E.U. partners are not forth coming. They it is if any of their major partners were in the same situation as the British steel industry is thou would find that they would try to move heaven and earth to help whomsoever needed it. But in as far as Britain is concerned there is but a stony silence. It was not so when Greece needed help and what about in the past when Britain has come to the aid of other E.U. states. Also what about Britain’s contributions to the E.U.'s central fund as a member of the E.U? Is it a case of when Britain is willing to contribute to the E.U. its welcome but when it needs help from the E.U. Britain is met with a wall of silence? What use is it being a member when it is a one way street?
    Thus also I warned thee that Isis which is behind the majority of people smuggling that they would use this as a Trojan Horse for their followers to infiltrate the E.U. The main problem was the open door policy of some E.U. members instead of as it is now seeking to vet all migrants it is as though ye have closed the barn door after the horse has bolted. But on this subject those terrorists will not now stop seeing as they now know that the as far as its borders are concerned is vulnerable, using migrants as a cover to smuggle in their followers . It is a blessing Britain is an Island and it is I shall see that Britain remain safe in the main from terrorism. There is one issue that thou should consider it’s all right for the human rights activist being concerned about the migrants but what about the human rights of the population of the E.U. to be protected against terrorism. The terrorist once the way via Greece is blocked will find other ways of continuing their trade and Libya is one that makes Italy the next main destination for people smugglers.

This is the Word of the Lord to thee.

From the prophet of the Lord.

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