Thursday 27 December 2018


Thus saith the Lord God of Abraham Isaac and Jacob

    Thus saith the Lord God unto all the Nations as afore said that I shall Judge all the Nations of the South China sea from Russia to Australia and from India to the sea of Okhotsk and so shall it be as said all the Nations therein found guilty of breaking any or all of My Holy Laws and Commandments shall be punished whether or not they believe in Me the Earth and all that is in and upon it is Mine saith the Lord God and belongs to none other thus it is mankind and the creatures thereof are but temporary inhabitants thereof and are there at My discretion and having place upon them the paramount responsibility of caring for the whole environment of the Earth in their possession for the whole of their life time upon the Earth along with all the responsibility for the care of the creatures thereof even all that move live and have their being in Me as doth all of mankind for without Me nothing that does exist upon the Earth can and doth exist and thus as I have sought to emphasise the care and protection of the environment and the creatures of land seas and oceans is mankind’s responsibility and not as before shall it so be from this day forth that the continued destruction of the environment and the slaughter of the creatures of the seas except to maintain the livelihoods of those that depend upon the creatures of seas oceans and lands for their continued existence I shall punish most severely, especial those who slaughter the mammals of the oceans and seas I shall punish with whirlwind and fire by Earthquake Tsunamis and volcanic activity for it is as many of the Islands of the oceans and seas owe their existence to the undersea volcanic activity of the Earth brought about by the might of My Right Hand. Thus it is as they have been thus raised up in like manner as have been in ages past have I by volcanic eruption destroyed and sunk many Islands even according to My will and purpose for the Islands of the seas and oceans many of which are now laying dormant soon can be brought back to life and thus shall it be with those Nations that do slaughter the mammals of the oceans and as a reminder mammals as defined by thy scientist are the creatures of the seas that do not breath through gills but depend on pure air and lungs to breath and do bear their offspring as do the Land based  animals and mankind bear their offspring. Thus say I again as I have afore most severely punish the Islands of the Pacific Ocean especially those of the Islands of the south and east china seas and that which is called the sea of Japan for their destruction of the environment and the slaughtering of the creatures of the seas unnecessarily or without rhyme or reason or just for the wicked pleasure of those who neither follow after nor believe in Me nor obey any all of My Holy Laws and Commandments thus it is I repeat the punishment for the breaking of any or all of My Holy Laws and Commandments whether any of mankind believe or not shall be punished most severely as is so set down in My Word according to that which is demanded by My Holy Laws  and commandments. Thu it shall be as said from this time forth until Judgment Day which has been written upon the hearts of all of mankind for to come at the day and time as so ordained by Me saith the Holy One of Israel the Lord God of all the Hosts of Heaven. Make no mistake as I have punished the Islands of that region of the Earth so shall I do so again if the destruction of the environment and the slaughter of the animals of land and seas and oceans continues even as hath so been done in the past when I caused many an Island with is towns and cities because of great wickedness to sink below the surface of seas and oceans for it is that not one Island on the surface of the Earth is secure from the possibility that they will not sinking in like manner beneath the ocean and seas waves because of great wickedness immorality corruption and the lack of caring for the creatures of land and seas and air and the needy of mankind

This is the Word of the Lord God unto thee

from the prophet of the Lord

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