Friday 14 December 2018


Thus saith the Lord God of Abraham Isaac and Jacob

    Thus saith the Lord God of all of creation I say unto thee hear ye and take heed of all of the Words of warning I sent unto thee in times past both recently in My written Word that all of the Nations if they turn not from their wicked immoral ways and refuse to obey all of My Holy Laws and commandments what punishment shall descend upon all of those Nations that are corrupt immoral and work great wickedness upon the face of the Earth thus as ye have not taken heed of all of My Word sent unto thee not only shall I punish all of the unbelieving disobedient Nations of the Earth even as is so set down in all of My Holy Laws and commandments and as are set down in My Word and in all of My Laws written down and all the Words of My Covenant made with all of My People through Mosher/Moses of which many are yet scattered amongst the Nations who refuse yet to return unto the Land of promise given to Abraham My servant and unto his descendants forever to be their possession and to be the possession of none other Nation upon the face of the Earth and as so written down if any seek to take it from them I will curse them and their descendants with a great curse that shall not only descend upon them alone but upon all of their offspring even unto the third and fourth generation but not only on these shall descend this curse but upon all who support them in seeking to rob My People of their inheritance even so as I curse those who seek to rob My People so shall I curse those who aid and help them in so seeking to rob My people of their inheritance unto the third and fourth generation but not only My great and terrible curse shall befall them for this reason alone but for all the great wickedness immorality corruption and the neglect of the needy of the Earth and for their destruction of the Earth’s environment and the creatures of My creation and the pollution of the seas and oceans of the Earth and the pollution of the orbital space surrounding the Earth as  I said unto thee in times past in as far as this area is concerned if ye took none heed of My word unto thee what I would do that I would cleanse all of the orbital space surrounding the Earth causing all of that which pollutes it to fall down unto the Earth which would destroy all of satellites in orbit and bring about the destruction of the Nations space station if thou had taken heed and even attempted to clean up the mess that now orbits the Earth then I would have held back My wrath and anger as concerning the pollution of Earths orbital space but now no longer for all it will take to bring about the destruction of that which pollutes the Earths orbital space is a massive solar flare and storm causing even to come upon the Earth unbearable heat. For as I have so said afore time what I would do if thou heed not My warnings unto thee so shall I do and it shall be upon all of the Earths Nations shall come a great increase in the warming of the Earth atmosphere far higher over a shorter period of time than thy scientist have predicted for all of what thou doth call Nature is at My Command and I have but to command and it is done and say and it shall come to pass for have I not said in My word that in the last times shall come upon the Earth even as I said and revealed through My servants the prophets of old. That the day shall come that shall burn as an hot oven and all the proud yes and all those that commit great wickedness shall be as stubble who shall in that day shall be burned up leaving them neither branch nor root even as My Word so says this shall come to pass even in these last days and is as said not far off.

This is the Word of the Lord God unto thee

From the prophet of the Lord

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