Wednesday 1 March 2017


Thus saith the Lord God of Abraham Isaac and Jacob

    Thus say I unto thee that there is no political leader of any political party that is strong enough determined enough having the necessary qualities of Leadership capable of leading the UK in its dealing with other Nations and in dealing with the EU in the coming Brexit negotiations and in the dealings with US in the coming trade negotiations especially in the sense of having the foresight to see what the future holds for the UK and being prepared to meet head on no matter what is in store around the corner as so to speak without any thought of retreat or giving in to the voices of the defeatist and the scaremongers predicting disaster on every front who don’t deserve to be called Englishmen and women for true Englishmen and women are made of stronger and sterner and more courageous stuff than they as history has proven since the time of the Roman Empire. Thus unless there is one who has the tenacity to hold their ground firmly no matter what. Having the interests of the UK as a whole at the center of their being unwilling to compromise in any way whatsoever if it is to the detriment or not in the interest of the United Kingdom as a whole and having the wisdom to know when they have reached a position when the best deal with EU has been achieved and is to the benefit of both parties so that both sides agree at the end of the day that the security and prosperity of the whole of the United Kingdom and the EU even the whole of Europe is what really matters and whether the UK is in or out of the EU all are willing to working together to achieve that goal not as antagonists nor enemies but as friends. Thus unless one stands up who has the necessary qualities of leadership then the negotiation both with the EU and the US are going to be long and drawn out and of no lasting benefit to either the EU or the US or the UK and will have a detrimental effect on both the UK and the EU both internally and external in the sense of  the Various Nations that make up the United Kingdom being at odds with each other far worse than they are now and the various Nations within the EU falling out with each other when voting to accept or reject a deal proposed by the UK each having only the interests of their own Nations at heart some unwilling to jeopardize their relationships with the UK in as far as jobs and trade are concerned.

This is the Word of the Lord to thee

From the prophet of the Lord.

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