Wednesday 8 March 2017


Thus saith the Lord God of Abraham Isaac and Jacob

    Thus as I have so promised thee contrary to the expectations of the EU and the predictions of the scaremongers of the World’s financial institutions I have prosper thee and will continue to do so if thou doth continue to uphold and obey all of My Holy Law and Commandments and doth continue to cleanse thy land of all that doth pollute it in as far as immorality, corruption and injustice is concerned as I intend the UK to be a beacon of light in these dark and dangerous times. That thou doth continue to priorities the care of the elderly the homeless the orphan the healing of the sick and do care for all thy people that are truly in need especially the disabled who cannot care for themselves and do seek ever to Unite the whole of the United Kingdom closer together as one United people of which will be able to stand against all the adversity and all the foes that will seek to cause its downfall in the future. But as concerning what thou hast put forward in as far as the assurance of residence of EU Nationals is concerned that is a mistake for that in many eyes see's the Government because it also wants assurances from the EU as concerning UK Nationals residence to be assured in the EU, that the UK government is going to use them as bargaining chips which in effect will be playing into the hands of the EU aiming to give the UK government a bad reputation in as far as the UK's treatment of EU Nationals living in the UK. Their residential assurance for UK Nationals living in the EU which it will leave till the very last moment before the negotiations begin to be magnanimous in giving UK Nationals guaranteed assurances of residence in the EU and unlike the UK government refuse to use UK Nationals as Bargaining Chips in the Negotiations putting the UK in a bad light in as far as the EU Nationals in living the UK because of the possibility of using them in the negotiations as bargaining chips, but not only in the eyes of the EU but also in the eyes of the rest of the World. Which will in as far as the negotiations are concerned put Britain on the back foot or at a disadvantage in securing a fair or good deal.

This is the Word of the Lord to thee.

From the prophet of the Lord.

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