Tuesday 14 March 2017


 Thus saith the Lord God of Abraham Isaac and Jacob

      Thus say I unto thee at this time that the devolved governments claim that the central governing party of the UK has and is dictating to them in as far as Brexit is concerned is wrong as the present government is and has been seeking to compromise as far as it possibly can for the benefit of the whole of th UK. The first question must be asked did they not agree to partake in the referendum on leaving or staying in the EU and did they not agree to abide by the outcome of that referendum no matter the result. But did they not agree to that outcome on the basis they thought there was no chance of the UK ever voting to leave the EU and have those who voted to remain used every chance to protest that the vote was based upon miss information as concerning the benefits of leaving the EU and also trying to pressure the government to overturn or rerun the referendum. But this must be pointed out the general public no matter what the politicians on both sides of the argument set forth to promote staying or leaving, because of the distrust of politicians by the general public would have made their own mind up in a well informed and educated manner despite the bullying of the remainers on certain vulnerable members of the public. But what if it had gone the opposite way would those who have voted to leave acted in the dirty underhanded manner that some of the remainers have no they would have graciously accepted the result and everything would have carried on as normal and Britain would have been the worse off for it. But to return to the devolved governing parties are they not trying to use various tactics including try to blackmail the present government by threatening independence referendums is this not the various devolved governments by devious methods seeking to dictate what the UK government should and should not do in as far as the Brexit negotiations are concerned as has been shown in the past various extremist National Parties have a tendency to be of the extreme right persuasion and lean towards becoming dictatorial in their system of government to the extent that if they gained power it would possibly follow that line of governing their country. But also a reminder has to be given that the UK government is under no obligation whatsoever to grant an independence referendum and could bring an end to any devolved government it so wished to do so without consulting that devolved government and would do so if it jeopardised the Unity of the United Kingdom. The UK is not a federalist state but is a Unity based Government.

This is the Word of the Lord to thee.

From the prophet of the Lord.

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