Friday 3 March 2017


Thus saith the Lord God of Abraham Isaac and Jacob.

    Thus say I unto all of mankind when mankind fell mankind died spiritually cut off from Me saith the Holy one of Israel who am the source of all life. Thus when a person comes to believe in the Messiah His death becomes that persons death he or she dies with the Messiah in His death and in the Messiah they are resurrected but not as they were before but are made anew he or she is remade in the image of the Messiah who is My image saith the Holy one of Israel manifest bodily and in that respect he or she becomes again one of My children not of flesh and blood but of spirit and truth not of the will of mankind but his or her will become My Will saith the Lord of Hosts. Resurrection is not truly a new birth in the true sense of the Word for that says that they never existed in the first place but being resurrected means that to be resurrected that they must exist in the first place that they are brought back to life but not as they were before but re-made in My image through the Messiah who is one with Me for I and the Messiah and Ruach Hakodesh are one true Living God and creator of all that is was and ever shall be. So in that respect being born again in the respect of My Word it hath been miss translated for it should be translated born anew of Me not mankind. This is symbolised in that which John the Baptist performed on the Messiah symbolizing his death and resurrection on behalf of mankind which was to come and which all who desire to become of Me must go through, that through Faith they become one with the Messiah in His death and in spirit and in truth are resurrected from amongst the dead in Him being made anew in His image which is also My image in mankind saith the true and only Living God.

This is the Word of the Lord to thee.

FRom the prophet of the Lord.

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