Friday 3 March 2017


Thus saith the Lord God of Abraham Isaac and Jacob.

    Thus at this time I put before the whole mankind one of  My ten commandments which I commanded all of mankind to obey without fail even. "Thou shalt not steal!" Yet the whole of mankind hath stolen from Me even My glory which was my due for the life I gave to you."  Also that which is most precious to Me and to any Father or Mother even the very lives of their children. I created mankind in Mine own image perfect upright and righteous and immortal in that if mankind had not fallen through the disobedience of thy first parents the whole mankind would have been immortal mankind was not meant to drink from the cup of death but in the day thy first parents ate of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil of which I commanded them not to do so on pain of death through the temptation of the Adversary and the weakness of Eve and Adam giving into his wife, not only did they die but in them all of their off spring and My children through and in them did die in that true death means banishment from life and as I am the source of all life all of mankind in them were banished from life everlasting and My presence and My Kingdom because of their disobedience and as the God and creator of all of mankind I know the end from the beginning and the heart break I felt when that happened was like a parent suffering from the loss of their children multiplied to an infinite degree and which could not be comprehended by mankind nor put into words how I suffered thus the pain of this loss and thus put in place the means by which mankind could return to Me through the promised Messiah. Thus it is that when even one through Him returns to Me then there is great celebration and much rejoicing in the heaven of heavens, for that which was lost hath be found and returned unto Me the Heavenly Father of all of mankind. For the Messiah is the true and only Passover lamb whose blood alone can cleanse any of mankind from their transgressions and though His resurrection can resurrect them from the dead to live forever in the heaven of heavens which is My Kingdom and they shall live in MY presence forever.

This is the Word of the Lord to Thee.

From the prophet of the Lord.

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