Tuesday 28 February 2017


Thus saith the Lord God of Abraham Isaac and Jacob

    Thus saith the Lord of Host even unto thee as concern two matters one the scaremongering tactics of a former UK leader and two upon the proposed amendments of the House of Lords as concerning the guarantee that the EU Nations residence in the UK is secure. First and foremost that the EU Nationals position in the UK is by the word of mouth guaranteed thus far but it is of utmost necessity that a legal document be drafted and published by the government stating that the EU Nationals residence in the UK is secure and none of those legally residing in the UK will be deported no matter which way the negotiations go after article fifty is triggered. But apart from that the EU Nationals should by their residence in the UK should trust the Word of the citizens of the UK in that any attempt to deport them by any government in power after the negotiations have been completed would result in almost outright rebellion against the government making the protests when the Leader of the USA gave the executive order banning travel from predominantly Muslim countries and anyone who was a National of those countries though their residence was legall in the US, but like a storm in a tea cup as compared to the storms suffered by the US. Also these Nationals must also realise that if the EU ever threaten to evict British Nationals from the EU similar protest would arise right across the EU. In as far as the concerns of both the EU and the UK using these Nationals as bargaining chips in the Negotiations would result in earth shattering damage both to the EU’s and the UK’s governments reputation and standing in the eyes of all European citizens. So in as far as the amendments of the House of Lords is concerned it is the rattling of a pea in an empty tin can even the sound of those sitting therein who still cannot see the futility of their actions in seeking to reverse the vote of the British referendum vote they can be likened to spoilt children screaming and shouting at the top of their voices because they can't get their own way. In as far as the comments by a former British leader and his scaremongering tactics in the speech he made he may as well as turned round and gave his speech to the wall behind him for all the good it will do. Obviously he didn't hear the words of the EU chief negotiators that they intend to give the UK a hard time when the Negotiations commence so his glib comments of charm and friendliness will be of no use in as far as the negotiations are concerned. Only a rock solid stance by the Government negotiators will achieve the desired result and is as far as the weakened position of the UK in the future which he says he sees are the visions of one who cannot see beyond the end of his nose and demeans the spirit and tenacity of the British people which has been in evidence for centuries.

This is the Word of the Lord to thee.

From the prophet of the Lord.

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