Saturday 11 February 2017


Thus saith the Lord God of Abraham Isaac and Jacob.

    Thus say I unto thee that no matter what the Leader of the US promises in as far as trade deals especially with the EU and the UK they cannot be trusted. For the deals he will seek to make with the EU will be on the same basis as the previous administration sought to make with EU and was rejected that the tariffs on trade should be dropped or lowered to what was an acceptable level to the US administration. But in as far as the UK is concerned trade and the special relationship will be dependent on the UK government and businesses attitude towards the executive orders he has and is seeking now to put in place and from the attitude of the UK's government, businesses and public that now exist in reaction to one of his executive orders those promises are in jeopardy of being kept and will be more so if other executive orders which are put in place are objected to by the British Parliament and public. But that alone is not the only concern he is a business man and as everyone knows the more successful in business a business man is the less they can be trusted to keep their word no matter what assurances are given. It is like one of thy sayings goes the proof of the pudding is in the eating and until the deal in as far as trade is concerned is made to the advantage of both parties then as another of thy sayings can be applied treat it all with a pinch of salt that is thrown underfoot to be trod on by all who pass by, also as another saying of thy sayings goes actions speak louder than words in other words judge not a man by what he says but what he has and does do. This leader if he follows the path he is upon according to what he has proclaimed to the world before he took office and thereafter is not a path to prosperity or to deal with the problems the world is now facing nor to solve the internal problems which have arisen in the US but as has been seen the world over he is creating more problems than solving both internally and externally and so long as he travels this path so the problems will increase. To a certain degree all of his policies are leading the US down the path of isolationism. For the more he puts provocative policie in place the more isolated America will become and all know what happens when a Nation is totally isolated.

This is the Word of the Lord to thee.

From the prophet of the Lord.

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