Tuesday 7 February 2017


Thus saith the Lord God of Abraham Isaac and Jacob.

    To thee and unto those who partake in the trafficking of wild life of any species whatsoever have been Judged and convicted of their crimes by the evidence set before Me and witnessed by all of mankind these shall suffer the punishment that I declare as their just due for their crimes I shall not hold back nor relent nor offer leniency to those who commit such crimes though I am a merciful and loving God and have no joy even in the death of the wicked, but as said afore Justice must be executed upon those who commit the crime of wild life trafficking and must be seen to be thus executed as a deterrent to others not to commit such crimes as these. Thus what shall be the punishment? As they take these animals out of their natural habitat and do in many cases kill the families of the wild life they capture so shall I take their families from them as they have taken the families of the young wild animals from them, then I shall cause them to flee from their homes and their villages and towns and cities by the fear of My retribution and vengeance that I shall place in their hearts and minds for no matter where they flee to the angel of death shall be at their heels to claim them but at first never less take them not, but his presence shall be such that what thou doth call hell itself they shall feel is chasing after them even the gates of the bottomless pit. But not only these but also all of those who trade in and buy them, these also shall suffer My wrath and Anger upon them for the angel of death shall also touch their hearts also no matter how much wealth they have got and do get in future shall be in the end spent not by them upon their own luxuries but shall be for the buying of their coffin and paying for their funeral for their lives shall indeed be cut short as they have partaken in shortening the lives of the wild life they have bought and do trade in even all the creatures of the Earth that I cherish as I mankind but hate the wickedness that is in the hearts of many of mankind that they so commit upon the creatures of the earth and on each other.

This is the Word of the Lord to thee.

From the prophet of the Lord.

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