Saturday 25 February 2017


Thus saith the Lord God of Abraham Isaac and Jacob

   Thus say I unto thee in as far as the negotiations on the UK's Brexit is concerned that which has to be considered is that the EU's government, whilst putting on a mildly friendly face to the UK and acknowledges that the UK is leaving the EU, from the demeanour of the EU negotiators and the bill that the EU proposes to demand from the UK on leaving reveals whilst not in full view, it has a seething heart desiring to punish the UK in any way it can for having the audacity to even consider leaving the EU. The deal that they are seeking to make with the UK therefore is not a no deal scenario, so from their past dealings with the previous leader they believe that the UK will accept a deal that will in their eyes favour the EU more than the UK because they think that the UK wants to avoid a no deal situation, but the EU also wants to avoid a no deal situation as well at any cost, for a no deal situation would end their ambition to punish the UK for not only Brexit but for the effect it is having on the stability of the whole of the EU. Accepting the deal they have in mind would be one that would be worse for the UK than if it had remained within the EU, but rather than no deal at all they believe the UK will accept the deal they will put on the table. Also they believe that the threat made as concerning an off shore European tax haven made by the leader of the present government is just that an empty threat hoping to intimidate the EU into offering what the UK government considers a good or fair deal for the UK, which will never happen as far as they are concerned fairness in these negotiations does not and will not enter into their mind in negotiating a deal with the UK. The only stance the UK can make that will convince the EU that the UK means business and it will be either a fair to good deal or no deal at all of which the UK must not give in by so much as an inch of ground to the EU. The only looser in as far as the negotiations are concerned if there is no fair or good deal on the table and the UK takes the no deal option, will be the EU. That is a pomise I saith the Lord God of Israel will give unto thee.

This is the Word of the Lord to thee.

From the prophet of the Lord.

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