Sunday 8 January 2017


Thus saith the Lord God of Abraham Isaac and Jacob

    Even unto thee at this time as concerning that now which is befalling thee thou hast sown to the wind of My Wrath and anger and now art and so shall thou reap the whirlwind thereof of the full fury of My wrath and anger for all the Nations have been weighed in the balances of true Justice and have been Judged and found wanting because of their unbelief as concerning the Word put before them through he whom I have called to be My spokesman to the whole of the Nations of mankind  to warn that unless all the Nations do take heed of My Word and cast off their unbelief and hardness of heart and disobedience to all of My Holy Laws and commandments far worse shall befall them than that thus far hath, for also as I have warned thee by the means I have by the setting of signs in the Earth below and upon the Earth and in the heavens and in the Universe warning thee of the end of the old earth and the old heavens and the coming of the new for all of that which is in the Universe at the present shall be rolled up even as thou doth roll up a scroll and the Earth shall be cleansed of all that doth pollute it and as a seed planted in the Earth shall die before it can live put down roots and shoot up out of the soil to become a mighty tree bearing fruit in its season so also must the Earth, it must be as the seed also first it must die after being as it is now planted in the field of the Universe and then it shall spring up unto new life. Also must all that is in the Universe be destroyed before it can be made anew. Thus what are the signs upon the Earth that I have set even those prophesied in My Word and as spoken by all those whom I have from the beginning chosen to be My spokesmen and women even all of the prophets and prophetesses who have declared My Word in Spirit and in Truth that before the end of the old and the beginning of the New heavens and new Earth there should be a time of trouble and disasters such as have never afore been seen upon the Earth and never again shall be and these shall last for a time even a times time and a half and then the end shall come. Thus hath it been and is it not now so? But as said these are but the beings of troubles for far worse is to come upon all the unbelieving and disobedient Nations of the Earth than that which has thus far befell them. But as saith My Word Judgment begins at the House of God.

This is the Word of God to thee.

From the prophet of the Lord.

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