Tuesday 31 January 2017


Thus saith the Lord God of Abraham Isaac and Jacob.

    Thus say I unto thee because of international relationships falling apart and the west being reluctant to commit concrete military action in Iraq and Syria against Isis and that means committing the weaponry and of course putting boots on the ground then the Leaders of western Nations might as well as start banging their heads against the nearest brick wall because no matter what diplomatic efforts or the actions taken by the west thus far to defeat Isis are taken will be as effective as simply doing that. To Isis the west is all talk and no action and in as far as taking away their access to funding by those means as proposed by one western leader stopping human trafficking, money laundering confiscating Isis funding and cutting off their sources of funding  or and  slavery will never work for as has been proven they will always find some way of funding that organization and there will always be fanatical sympathizers around the world willing to send funds or do deals with them or devious weapons manufacturers and smugglers because of the income involved are  willing to illegally no matter the risk, traffic  and  supply  them with weapons. Like as said there is only one way to defeat an organization of this sort. The Iraqi army and the Kurds have the right idea and attitude and to put it in human terms the guts to do what is necessary to defeat Isis no matter how long and the cost, for as far as the cost in civilian suffering loss of lively hoods, homes, families and National terrorist activity causing massive loss of life, already it has cost far too much to tolerate the existence of this organization any longer.

This is the Word of the Lord to thee.

From the prophet of the Lord.

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