Thursday 5 January 2017


Thus saith the Lord of Abraham Isaac and Jacob

    The greed of those who prey upon the unwary of mankind using any excuse to increase their profit margins thus their bank balances and power beyond what is necessary causing unnecessary hardship when the economy of a country is fluctuating because of the development of circumstances which could cause an uncertain financial future, shall in the end find that their greed will be their own down fall at Mine own hand for even that which  they now have shall be taken away from them as it was also in the nineteen thirties the cause of which was the greed of the wealthy of mankind who did not consider the outcome of the uncontrollable desire and greed of those who had great wealth and power which in the end choked them and by their actions not only they suffered but a great many people of many Nations. Thus as I said afore time the wealth of a Nation is not in silver or gold or diamonds but in the people of that Nation and in their health and welfare for what is a Nation without people  and what is a business without its workforce and even thy technology what are computers without programmers and designers, what are the railways without the maintenance engineers and drivers and staff to run them safely what are hospitals without surgeons doctors nurses and the staff to maintain the hospitals and what of the paramedical and ambulance services without the dedicated men and women who attend to emergencies no matter the time of day or night and the security of Nation without its armed forces and police services which are all reliant on each other having the necessary means to live health productive lives. All of these are the foundations upon which a strong Nation is built and not the greed and power of but a few.

This is the Word of the Lord to thee.

From the prophet of the Lord

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