Friday 6 January 2017


Thus saith the Lord God of Abraham Isaac and Jacob

    Thus say I unto thee as concerning Syria and the efforts to secure peace in Syria there are but two ways one is for the cease fire and peace conference to succeed in brokering a deal with all involved in the Syrian conflict, but this would rely on the Syrian regime and Alassad agree to the partitioning off of Syria between the various parties involved in the conflict of which the regime and Alassad will never agree to the other way is for either the regime or Alassad to stand down and for either a fully democratic government to be formed or even one based on similar lines as the present Iraqi or Iranian Model. But there is a question that thou must ask is Alassad as President fully in charge of the government of Syria or Just a figure head if he is then the whole of the regime has to go, if not Alassad alone must go with the Regime agreeing to the outcome of the peace negotiations. The regime in Syria lead by Alassad have been forced into a cease fire by Russia, Turkey and Iran which have brokered a peace conference with the view to ending the conflict in Syria of which Russia said that if the regime didn't agree to it that Russia, Iran and Turkey would pull out and leave the Syrian regime to deal with the rebels and the terrorist groups on their own. Which the Syrian Regime agreed to but sought every way they could to cause the cease fire to fail by their actions and thus the peace conference to be called off and with the conflict carrying on and its allies being forced to support it the regime would have then been on course to riding Syria of all its opposition groups and rebels leaving the Syrian regime in total control of the whole of Syria, thus the threat of Russia pulling its force out of Syria if the regime didn't agree to a cease fire and a peace conference with the hope of ending the conflict obviously went unheeded. Thus the Russian withdrawal of its fleet emphasising that Russia meant what threatened to do would happen if the Syrian regime didn't comply fully with its agreement.

This is the Word of the Lord to thee.

From the prophet of the Lord.

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