Wednesday 25 May 2016


Thus saith the Lord God of Abraham Isaac and Jacob the true and only redeemer.

    Thus this must be said in as far as the reporting on the coming referendum from the news channels; no names implied; is concerned the bias thus far and the sarcasm in as far as the exiting of the U.K. from the E.U. seems totally out of balance, favouring and reporting on remaining in the E.U. more than on the leaving not even bothering to research properly the facts relying on the opinions of the various intellectual fraternities; which have more to gain siding with the Government for their support and funding; on the down side of leaving instead of in-house factual  reporting on any benefits on leaving. Have they suddenly become state controlled media news channels? Or are they truly independent news channels being bias, neither one way nor the other. In as far as the various people they have interview they far outweigh the ones on the remain side than those on they leave side of the argument and seem to treat leaving as a massive joke acting like school children who are sniggering to themselves at a dirty joke someone  has made about a teacher.
    What must be said is that will they be so enthusiastic about remaining if it goes disastrously wrong. I think not, but after all is said and done the vote is the peoples and the responsibility for the consequences either way good or bad shall have to be bourn by the people of the U.K.
    But in as far as the Historians claims about having a lot in common with Europe are concerned. Then has this country in the past had a lot in common with the Caesars of the Roman Empire, Philip of Spain, Charlemagne,  Napoleon, King Leopold II, the Kaiser and Hitler I think not. How many times has the U.K. had to save Europe from the pit of destruction?

This is the Word of the Lord to thee.

From the prophet of the Lord.

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