Friday 6 May 2016


Thus saith the Lord God of Abraham Isaac and Jacob.

    Thus say I unto thee who are those amongst thee who do teach the theories they do presenting them as facts without proof even that time can be reversed or that it can be possible to travel in time, when indeed the evidence, the concrete evidence proves the opposite that the path of time is fixed that the past is dead the future not yet born and the only true existence both physical and spiritual is now and in eternity now shall be forever. Those who will not listen to anyone else but those like unto themselves. They who cannot see the evidence before them and go to any lengths to prove themselves right, with the claims that sooner or later they will able to prove their theories true and fact. Look at all the theorist over the ages even Einstein what are all his claims in as far as relativity is concerned it is still but a theory not proven fact, Darwin’s theory of evolution theory not fact, also the big bang theory how can an explosion on such a scale happen without a cause or to put it in thy words, without someone lighting the fuse? What are theories put forward by mankind but mere speculation vain imaginings, that which is put forward by mankind with the view to explaining away the whole truth in as far as creation its beginning its continuation and its end is concerned. But more so the origins of creation, ever seeking to prove untrue what even their own hearts are telling them what the truth is.

    Thus it is that I set forth that which is to put to nought that which is not, even the vain imaginations of mankind  and yet the hearts of mankind are hardened against the truth against the evidence which is before their eyes and in their hearts seeking ever to prove I exist not. Thus it is that when My Wrath and anger was poured out over the past few years what did thy scientist claim was the cause, mother nature there is no such person all of nature exist because of and in Me and without Me ceases to exist even as thou wouldst, climate change caused by mankind’s pollution of the atmosphere anything but the truth even when many said these events had never been seen to such an extent before. But the truth is that all those events are but a taste of the punishment to come upon mankind for their disobedience to My Law and Commandments and the misuse of that which has been placed into mankind’s care even the Earth.

    But so it is that the hearts of many of mankind have been hardened others taken in by the teaching of so called educated people others deluded into believing they are right and everyone else is wrong. That I don't exist and that the whole of My Word can be ignored by mankind.  That the teachings of My servants are nothing but the ranting’s of deluded religious fanatics. The events to follow indeed shall prove that those who I have sent are not so. That religion’s are the creation of mankind and that the true Faith and My Law and Commandments are Holy and true and have been created by Me for mankind to obey and believe that mankind may live and not die and be cast into the pit of torment forever and that the consequences of unbelief and disobedience will come to pass no matter what mankind believes to the contrary and that is fact not fiction. That My promises are not empty threats or mere fantasies.

This is the Word of the Lord to thee.

From the prophet of the Lord.

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