Tuesday 17 May 2016



Thus saith the Lord God of Abraham Isaac and Jacob.

    To thee I say this upon the referendum both sides of the divide or I should say both main political parties and others seem worried that Britain is going to vote to leave the E.U. Whether or not British people are fed up with the E.U.'s interference in every aspect of British life, the masses of bureaucracy and red tape with no option but accept everything that the E.U. dishes out or to accet on balance all the so called benefits, is up to the British people alone.

    But to stay in or leave the politicians seem bent on trying through their force of argument and coercion on staying in the E.U. not saying that the out campaign is doing the same but they are not using the same weapons as the government and the opposition are. But now it seems that they have the C.B.I. entering the fray in as far as getting businesses to persuade their works to vote to stay in the E.U. how much more can this government get undemocratic in its usage of means to get a vote to stay in. One other point to make in as far as the C.B.I. and big buisness is concerned that it is the General public upon which they rely for the sales of their products at the end of the day and if any buisness is involve in seeking to force a vote either way in as far as the refurendum was concerned how much trust would the public rich, poor or abroad have in those buisnesses if it became general knowledge that they had been involved in such dirty underhand practices. As it is with the opposition bordering on stating that they must as faithful Labour party members to vote with the labour party if that is not coercion I don't know what is.

    But it is that no matter what the result is the British public have already made their minds up even the waverers and no matter what no amount of persuasion, inference or coercion or pressure from politicians, financial bodies or any other outside organization will change their minds and to apply further pressure no matter what it is, is out of order and undemocratic in every way. But it leads to the thought that if this Government thought it was going to lose the vote to stay in the E.U. would they go down the road of trying to rig it in their favour or would they be satisfied with a true and honest open vote? Would then the public ever find out what they had done I thinks so sooner or later it would have leaked out and then what?

    But I say this many politicians in as far as the public are concerned have on both sides of the argument sunk their own canoes by the pressure they have sought to put on the British public.

    In the end the people it is who will make their minds up to vote in or out and the various campaigns in or out the arguments plain and simple should have been place before the public and then left totally for them to have their say upon leaving or staying without any interference from any Government parties or politicians that would have been the true democratic way.

    Thus far as these campaigns are concern have been and are futile, pointless and useless exercises and a waste of money in seeking the public to vote their way in or out. The public in the end will vote their own way, whether to stay in or leave.

This is the Word of the Lord to thee.

From the prophet of the Lord.

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