Sunday 22 May 2016


Thus saith the Lord God of Abraham Isaac and Jacob

    The passage of time as created by mankind who created a means of measuring the passage of days and nights is not the true means of measuring the passage of days and seasons, the day is measured only by two events day and night, light and dark. The seasons change as hath been set down since the beginning and as mankind is finding out those seasons are not fixed by and do not come about according to mankind’s calendar, but vary in their appearance and departure. But to put it in the context of mankind’s measurements, claims are made that the passage of time is not fixed but can be circumvented. Which is impossible as the past doth die the moment it passes and the future only comes into being or is born when it becomes now. But in as far as the physical existence is concerned only now truly exists and is certain. When a person’s body dies it passes into the past when a child is born it comes into the present. So the past is dead the future not yet born and the present My gift to mankind. Look to thine own existence once a moment has past can that moment be reclaimed no. Only as a memory can the past be seen. In thy mind thou can picture past events but thou cannot experience them. Thou canst see through thine instruments far into the Universe but thou cannot go there and never will be able to. Unless it is that I saith the Lord God take thee there as will happen in the new heavens and new earth one instant a person or many people will be on Earth the next instant far off into the Galaxy or Universe on another World made inhabitable by Me, for what is impossible for mankind is possible for Me. Read the acts of the apostles what I did to one disciple.
    The claim that time travel is possible in the physical sense is impossible, but if it was possible the moment a person travelled into the past their now would no longer exist and it would then be that their now would be in their now in the past and as the past has passed and is dead so would they become dead to the present the now that all mankind experiences. Thus therefore their body would decompose until the present in effect they would be a corpse suddenly appearing from nowhere. Only the past can be remembered the future cannot be seen by mankind unless I saith the Lord God reveals it to them. Also if time travel physical was possible then the whole fabric of the Universe would be destroyed as it is based on order and order has set rules which cannot be altered or broken and for mankind to seek to do so will in the end be seen to be a pure waste of time and effort. Thus the whole of The Universe relies on each part of its structure being in its place at a set instant of existence which includes mankind and the action which mankind performs in each and every instant. Thus the whole of existence is interactive to the nth degree and cannot be altered. Even every decision and act mankind make are interwoven in the fabric of the Universe.

This is the Word of the Lord to thee.

From the prophet of the Lord.


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