Thus saith the Lord God of Abraham Isaac and Jacob
To all the Nations of the Earth the time has come and now is that I do so command all the Nations of the Earth to obey all of My Holy Law and Commandments as set down in My Word or suffer the consequences of thy disobedience. For over two thousand years I have been lenient and merciful to all of mankind and thus it has been that mankind has sunk further and further into the cesspit of iniquity immorality and wickedness of murder debate deceit warmongering adultery false witness the neglect of the poor, the sick, the elderly, the orphan, the young, the helpless, the homeless and downtrodden, all of those in need of thy help also all manner of wild life, the care I entrusted mankind with of all of nature. But more so all manner of disobedience to My Word to My Holy Law and Commandments that I set down that all of mankind should live thereby. I have thus far sent to thee many of My servants to warn thee over the centuries of what the consequences of thine actions would eventually be. What was thy response some ye laughed at some ye held in derision some ye persecuted and tortured some ye burned alive yet ye heed not My Word I commanded them to proclaim unto thee.
As in the past so also it is now and thus it is that now those warnings of My Wrath and anger will be poured out upon thee unless that at this time thou dost turn from thy disobedience and do obey all of My Holy Law and Commandments. This is not a warning but a promise from Me to thee that I shall fulfil all that I have warned thee of to come upon thee if thou dist continue in thy disobedience. Thus far has My wrath poured out been tempered with mercy, to give thee one last chance. For as thou hast suffer at My hands whirlwind and fire drought and famine tornadoes and flood hurricanes earthquakes and tsunamis and other disasters the world over, yet the loss of life has been minimal, but this shall cease to be so for as the warning sent out do warn thee of the destruction of all those who are rebellious and disobedient and immoral and wicked so shall it now start to come to pass upon all the Nations of the Earth unless repentance and obedience is forthcoming.
But it shall be that I shall warn thee of that which shall come upon thee that thou dost have none excuse before Me.
This is the Word of the Lord God omnipotent unto thee.
From the prophet of the Lord
To all the Nations of the Earth the time has come and now is that I do so command all the Nations of the Earth to obey all of My Holy Law and Commandments as set down in My Word or suffer the consequences of thy disobedience. For over two thousand years I have been lenient and merciful to all of mankind and thus it has been that mankind has sunk further and further into the cesspit of iniquity immorality and wickedness of murder debate deceit warmongering adultery false witness the neglect of the poor, the sick, the elderly, the orphan, the young, the helpless, the homeless and downtrodden, all of those in need of thy help also all manner of wild life, the care I entrusted mankind with of all of nature. But more so all manner of disobedience to My Word to My Holy Law and Commandments that I set down that all of mankind should live thereby. I have thus far sent to thee many of My servants to warn thee over the centuries of what the consequences of thine actions would eventually be. What was thy response some ye laughed at some ye held in derision some ye persecuted and tortured some ye burned alive yet ye heed not My Word I commanded them to proclaim unto thee.
As in the past so also it is now and thus it is that now those warnings of My Wrath and anger will be poured out upon thee unless that at this time thou dost turn from thy disobedience and do obey all of My Holy Law and Commandments. This is not a warning but a promise from Me to thee that I shall fulfil all that I have warned thee of to come upon thee if thou dist continue in thy disobedience. Thus far has My wrath poured out been tempered with mercy, to give thee one last chance. For as thou hast suffer at My hands whirlwind and fire drought and famine tornadoes and flood hurricanes earthquakes and tsunamis and other disasters the world over, yet the loss of life has been minimal, but this shall cease to be so for as the warning sent out do warn thee of the destruction of all those who are rebellious and disobedient and immoral and wicked so shall it now start to come to pass upon all the Nations of the Earth unless repentance and obedience is forthcoming.
But it shall be that I shall warn thee of that which shall come upon thee that thou dost have none excuse before Me.
This is the Word of the Lord God omnipotent unto thee.
From the prophet of the Lord
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