Thus saith the Lord God of Abraham Isaac and Jacob.
Thus say I unto thee in as far as Turkey is concerned, the problem with Turkey is it has hundreds of thousands even more on its borders and has at the moment halted with the help of the E.U. and Britain to a greater degree the people smugglers and refugees from crossing the Aegean which has come about through the deal made with Turkey on taking back refugees that cross the Aegean sea and sending legitimate refugees back to Greece on a one to one basis if the E.U. allowed Turkey free access to the E.U. and further discussions as to it becoming a member of the E.U. also help with supporting the refugees on its border by funding from the E.U.
The problem which will arise from Turkey is if the E.U. doesn't keep to its agreement with Turkey and put in place free movement of its people in the E.U. and also it sees no progress in as far as its membership application, sooner or later its efforts to stop the refugees from crossing the Aegean and the people smugglers from trafficking refugees will be halted allowing the refugee problem to return. Then it will use the refugee problem as leverage in getting what it wants from the E.U. So if the E.U. thinks to a greater or lesser degree the refugee problem has been solved. Think again for there are many ways from Turkey into the E.U. Also if the Leader of Britain thinks that Turkey and the refugee problem there has been sorted he is deluding himself.
This is the Word of the Lord to thee.
From the prophet of the Lord.
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