Saturday 21 May 2016


Thus saith the Lord God of Abraham Isaac and Jacob.

    In as far as a statement made by a leader of the E.U. stating that Britain if it left would be classed as a deserter if it left and that there would be detrimental consequences if Britain did leave, the question must be asked for whom? Britain does not react to threats kindly or favourably either, but let us look at who indeed will suffer if the E.U. takes the stance he proposes. Britain imports more than it exports to the E.U. Workers from the former Eastern Bloc benefit from being able to work in Britain and others also from other E.U. countries which would be kept in place if Britain left if there was a beneficial agreement in place with Britain. Plus all the benefits that the E.U. would have setting up a proper amicable trade agreement. But let us get to the point of this whole referendum business arising.
    The main reason why Britain even considered leaving was because of the E.U.'s obstinacy in accepting and instituting proper democratic reforms proposed by Britain’s leader which the E.U. needed and does need to become a proper solid democratic union set down in stone as it were, in the negotiations he had when he went to Brussels and the way the E.U. treated Britain and its leader as if it was a poor third world country. Putting aside those reforms that were accepted by the Leader of Britain which are not worth the paper they are written on.
    Plus I did not know that, that leader was a General in charge of an army threatening a soldier if he deserted that he would be put in front of a court marshal or even a firing squad.

This is the Word of the Lord to thee.

From the prophet of the Lord.

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