Sunday 15 May 2016


Thus saith the Lord God of Abraham Isaac and Jacob.

    Britain has always been the little naughty boy of Europe since the days of Henry the VIII. The same regime that existed in Europe exists today and has existed since the fall of the Roman Empire for nearly two thousand years.
    But why did Henry the VIII rebel against the Emperor and Rome besides his wives? The same reason as exists now the control over Britain that Europe had and is imposing on Britain in every way now. But more so why did his daughter resist becoming part of Europe again after his death? Corruption and the same desire Europe had for control and reunification of Britain with the then Empire of Europe. Which provoked the response of the attack of Philip of Spain at the command of the Emperor and the then Pope. To them Britain was a rebellious child who had gone astray and need to be punished and returned corrected into the family of Europe and it was Philip of Spain who was order to wield the big stick and punish little boy Britain with the Armada who afterwards realised Britain was not the little spoiled rebellious child they thought Britain was.
    Thus what is happening now that happened then that Europe is afraid of happening now? Which after thy Leader tried to get reforms in place and failed they thought they had everthing under control but now are not so sure which is why they gathered the troops they did to try and convince Britain to remain in Europe, they are afraid of Britain doing what Henry the VIII and Elizabeth I did then spoil Europe’s plans for a fully integrate Europe controled by a central government having one head and ruler.
    One further question the tariffs applied to all the trade in the E.U. where do they  go and who benefits from them?

This is the Word of the Lord to thee.

From the prophet of the Lord.

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