Friday 16 September 2016


Thus saith the Lord God of Abraham Isaac and Jacob.

              To thee thou hast provoked Me to anger because thou hast stopped up thine ears blinded thine eyes and hardened thy heart towards My Word thus I have given unto thee a warning of that which shall descend upon thee if thou doth not change direction from that which thou art heading at the moment for that direction thou art taking shall lead to thy down fall for it is that I said unto thee that if thou shalt obey all of My Holy Word and Law and Commandments and see to the needs of the sick the lame the elderly the homeless and the poor and needy of thy land then I would and have to a certain extent prospered this Nation so much so that I would make this a mighty Nation respected by all throughout all the Earth. But now it is that thou art heading in the opposite direction to that which I have said that thou should go and if thou didst not then it was that I would take away all that I have given unto thee and also even that which thou didst have. Thou art instead of meeting the needs of the people of this country set on pandering to the needs of the elite and wealthy of thy country contrary to that which thou hast declared that thou would not do of what use to the World is a sick Nation physically morally and spiritually. A nation that has and is becoming an example of that which a democracy should not be. First see to the health of thy Nation before even considering aught else, yea even I do speak of thy health and welfare and the employment services in comparison to thy educational services. But it is as I have said that what I have thus caused to descend upon  all of thy Nation is but a warning of that which is to come unless thou doth change thy direction.

              But I also say this if thou doth set thy heart in following the direction thou art going that confidence in thy government shall decline so much so that a vote of no confidence in this government and a general election called for and shall ensue in which thy government shall loose, the opposition party shall be united again under one leader and shall replace thee of which if it goes in that direction I have set down in My Word I shall prosper that party and this country and all the credit shall go to the opposition party for what is being and shall  be accomplished.

             But in as far as the EU is concerned the meeting that is now going forward by excluding the UK it has virtually terminated the UK's membership. Therefore article fifty of the Lisbon treaty has been superseded by the actions of the EU and is no longer of any value.

This is the Word of the Lord to thee.

From the prophet of the Lord.

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