Tuesday 1 November 2016


Thus saith the Lord God of Abraham Isaac and Jacob

As concerning Noah and the Genesis flood the answer to the question did it really happen and are the scientist right or wrong. One of the answers is what would happen if I saith the Lord of Hosts caused all the water in the clouds to descend upon the Earth within a short period of time would it not also cause all the ice caps on Earth to melt and the second answer lies in what happened after the flood and when the flood happened. Looking at it chronologically it happened after Methuselah who lived for just under a thousand years thus his passing happened after the passing of Adam and Eve who also lived more than a thousand years before their death thus the flood happened four thousand of thy years BC. The answer to all the different written accounts in various civilizations lies in the three sons of Noah. One of them, he and his descendants spreading across the Northern continents and another who went south, his descendants spreading across the southern continents and one stayed in the middle East his descendants spreading across the middle and far eastern continents. Thus from then on the story of My flood would in every case be passed down throughout the generations verbally until written records were created by mankind. Those of the southern and the Northern continents even some of the Middle eastern and far eastern continents wandered in their believing in and faithfulness to Me creating their own mythological faith and false gods interweaving into that Mythology the story of the flood which until then had been passed down verbally from father to son and over time had been slowly changed to erase all knowledge of Me because of the fall and the fear of the Judgment to come upon them. But the son who remained faithful to his father and Me, his descendants passed on in verbal form an accurate account of the flood until it was set down in written form. But as is now so it was then the painstaking accuracy of the scribes of Israel who set down an account of the creation of the Earth and the accuracy of copying the text of the history of the Semitic tribes of which they are renown for to this day, sets at nought the various mythical accounts of the flooding of the Earth of which I promised would never be repeated the sign of which being the rainbow. Therefore beware the hardhearted scientist of this generation and their theories of which I say unto them If I cannot replace their hearts of stone with ones of flesh then most assuredly their hearts shall be shattered into a thousand pieces and ground into dust, when they come before Me in Judgment these are they who seek to turn the truth of My Word into a lie ever seeking to disprove My existence with their theories that are but theories and not the truth in as far as the creation of the World and the Universe and everything that in it is and as concerning Myself and the Judgment to come.

This is the Word of the Lord.

From the prophet of the Lord.

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