Saturday 29 August 2015


Thus saith the Lord God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob the only true saviour and Messiah of all the Holy People even the true children of God. saved by the blood of the Lamb shed for them.

    The Earth is like unto a mustard seed the smallest of all seeds the Universe is like unto a field into which the seed Earth is planted and which grows into mighty tree whose branches spread throughout, the branches are mankind renewed spreading throughout the Universe inhabiting every planet, but the Earth like unto the seed must first die before it can live and grow up into that mighty tree and the fowels of the air settle and make their nest in its branches are the whole of the living plants and creatures comming into the care of mankind in whose hands I place them.

     All the crimes of mankind and its pollution will be cleansed before mankind spreads throughout the Universe therefore as the seed died so shall the Earth be cleansed of all evil and sin. There shall be a new heavens and new earth and mankind will be replanted on the Earth and a child shall be older than the oldest person who ever lived. The lion shall lay down with the lamb and all creatures and mankind shall live in harmony.

    After the Earth becomes re-populated the children when they grow up shall be transported to another planet to populate it and thus it shall go on until all the planets of the Universe have upon them all the children of My Kingdom and all shall have the responsibility of looking after and taking care of their planet it plants trees seas oceans land fish animal reptile bird and insect life, which shall be subject to them. There shall be no death no diseases nothing shall be harmful in all of My Creation and Kingdom saith the Lord.

    But you ask how shall mankind be replanted upon the Earth those who are of Me shall be taken up into the heaven of heavens, the Earth shall be cleansed and renewed as shall all of the Universe then the Heavenly Jerusalem shall descend to the Earth will all of those taken before the end and all of those of Me who have in the past, past on. Then shall the growth of this tree begin, the TREE of LIFE.

This is the Word of the Lord to you.

from the prophet of the Lord.

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