Tuesday 25 August 2015


                Thus saith the Holy One of Israel the only true saviour and Messiah and only true God and creator of all of creation, I have set a watchman on the walls if he see disasters approaching and does not sound out a warning then the blood of those who perish shall be required of him it shall be his fault they perished because he didn't sound out a warning, the watchman shall be blamed.  But if he see's disasters coming and sounds out a warning and many perish,  then it shall be their own fault that they perished because they didn't take heed of the warning, the watchman shall be blameless.

                This has been done because the Judgement of the Nations has begun. That Nation which takes heed of this warning and repents shall escape Judgement. That Nation which takes none heed and does not turn from its wickedness and immorality shall suffer My Judgement bringing My wrath and anger down upon it and great shall be the fall thereof, such shall be the punishment that befalls a Nation as have never been seen upon the Earth before nor shall be seen again. Even in comparison with Sodom and Gomorra it shall be greater for they were but cities of the plain. But the punishment which I shall inflict shall be upon the whole Nation. That which the Nations have thus suffered were but mere warnings of that which is to come.

This is the Word of the Lord to you.

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