Tuesday 25 August 2015


Thus saith the Lord God of Abraham, Issac and Jacob.

          The Law is that which all are under if they are outside of the True Faith. But it is the terminology that is wrong which by it I mean the common wording of sin and sinner which are old fashioned concepts of Law breaking.

           Sin is an old fashioned word that does not apply to this modern world. So I will bring it up to date. Many will say sin and sinner are terms which apply to religion and to My Word and My Law, and say this is as it should be, religious Law and secular Law are worlds apart, how so? Surely the concepts of sin and crime are the same a breaking of the Law whether it be My Law or mankind’s.

          Therefore all who are outside of the True Faith are under the Law whether it be mankind’s or My Law and is not mankind’s Law based on My Law saith the Holy One of Israel, so it also applies, that if someone breaks man’s Law they are committing a crime so also it is the same with My Law breaking of it is committing a crime and thus are criminals. Thus the terms sin and sinner in modern language are crime and criminal, sin and sinner are terms that diminish the true meaning of the act and those who commit the act. They are in this modern world but wishy washy terms of little or no effect as to the true severity of the act of breaking My Law results in everlasting punishment.

           But then we turn to the true Faith. Thus saith the Lord It seems that the modern understanding is that if you have Faith in the Me you are no longer under the Law and thus cannot be Judged by it. Sadly this is a grave error Faith does not excuse you from obeying the Law but gives you the  strength  to obey it as I have commanded it to so be done as is set down in My Word. The true Faith is the means of salvation, the Law is the path all who are of the true Faith must walk upon and if there are faults and failing then forgiveness and strength  is provided by Me saith the only true God and saviour of all of the Holy People, to go on. But before forgiveness is given it must be asked or sought for.

this is the word of the Lord to you

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