Tuesday 25 August 2015


The true place of the Garden of Eden Has never been found but it has been infront of every one since the begining. May be what I am about to reveal will be unbelievable to many, but nevertheless it is the simple truth simply divine! Genesis says God planted a garden eastward in eden where is eden? Eden is then where? Or should I say where did God say Eden was He didn't for a reason Eden is and was His name for what is commonly called the Earth, so where is the Garden it was and is the whole of the middle east from northern Turkey to the Nile. Why do Isay this because if you read the Bible it is self evident. When He threw Adam and Eve out of the Garden He said that the earth ground soil would only produce thornes and briars and mankind would have to work by the sweat of his brow to feed himself and his family. Notice earth making reffeence to the ground or mankinds name of this planet is Earth not Gods His name was Eden for the whole planet was a paradise before mankind fell.

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