Tuesday 25 August 2015


Thus saith the Lord God the creator of all things the God of Abraham Issac and Jacob the Holy One of Israel.

          I created the Earth or Eden and it was I who caused the dry land to appear, when I did that I caused the seas or water covering the earth to sink and caused the land masses to raiseup, but not only that if the land had been completely smooth then there would have been no creation of air curents no shade for plants and crops just a bare desert land scape and the air would have been like the air on the planet you call mars only worse for it is plants trees and grasses that provide oxygen and other elements that go to make the air you breath. Hills and valleys had to be created on the raising of the land so that as the earth rotated air curents could be created warm ones to raise up moisture from the oceans and sea's cold to condense that moisture over land as the clouds hit land masses they where force up into the cold atmosphere and thus created rain and snow and ice as the eliptic orbit which I had put the earth in around the sun moved away from the sun, as with the land so with sea's underwater hills and valleys and mountains along with the moon's gravitation influence had to be created to creat currents, waves and tides, so that the ceatures of the sea's could exist and live. You scientist created complicated theories to explaine creation of the universe but refuse to accept the plain and simple truth, TRUTH WHICH IS SIMPLE YET SIMPLY PROFOUND, look into your hearts honestly and if you have the eyes to see you will know the truth and the truth shall set you free and ye shall be free indeed.

from the prophet of the Lord.

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